10 Home Workout Exercises Without Any Equipment with just Body Weight

10  Home Workout Exercises Without Any Equipment with just Body Weight
19 Nov 2021

15 Workout at Home Without Any Equipment - if you lazy to going outside to do gym.. this article is perfect for you..

to keep our metabolism and blood circulation stay healthy and also increase endurance.. we need exercise!

but since not everyone have long time.. or you kinda lazy going into the GYM to excercise.. you can take advantage of you bodyweight.

So.. this is 

10 Home Workout Exercises Without Any Equipment with just using Body Weight

1. Bridge

Bridge, bridge is one of yoga pose that have many benefits for you body.. its good for you physical health even for you mental health..

this moves good for beginners.. because its doesn't need skill to do, also this great excercise to warmup.. 

2. Knee Pushup

Knee Pushup, or you can also call it "beginner style pushup".

The knee push-up, also known as a modified push-up, is a bodyweight exercise that works muscle groups throughout your upper body.

3. Stationary Lunge

Stationary Lunge, ignore the gif above.. you can also doing this without any equipment.. 

how to do Stationary Lunge :
Stand tall with your feet hip distance apart then take a large step backward with one foot. This is your start position. 

Lower the back knee to a 90 degree angle so both knees are bent then press up to start position and repeat. After desired number of reps, switch legs

4. Chair Squat

Chair Squat, Chair squats is a great way to build the strength in your leg muscles if you're new to working out..

5. Bird Dog

Bird Dog, This exercise will work your midsection, buttocks, and balance. If you want to get maximum results, do this movement as much as possible. To make your knees more comfortable, you can do this movement using a mat.

6. Forearm Plank

Forearm Plank, benefits from doing a forearm plank.. it can improve your posture, your flexibility, Stabilize your body ballance...

7. Side-lying hip abduction

Side-lying hip abduction, 

Step 1  :
Lie on your side. The arm closest to the floor should be extended straight over the head and shoulders while the other arm is bent with the hand at the hip. Legs should be straightened and together.

Step 2  :
Raise the leg above slowly as high as possible. Pause for a moment, then return to the starting position.

8. Pushup 

Pushup, yep a normal pushup is a advance mode from knee pushup.. you can do repetition for pushup.. like 4 x 15 pushup.. (which mean 60 times pushup)

9. Squat

Squat, When doing squats, muscles burn more fat. In addition to toning muscles, squats help you get rid of more body fat. In addition to toning muscles and burning calories, squats can help you lose weight.

10. Dead Bug

Dead Bug, 

Step 1 :
Lie on your back with your arms fully straight by your side. Bend your knees and point them up so your thighs and hips form a 90-degree angle, calves parallel to the floor. This is your starting position.

Step 2 :
Tighten your core, then extend your arms up and behind your head while extending your legs on the opposite side of your body. Don't let your feet touch the floor. Return to the starting position to repeat on the other side.

okayyy,,, there we got 10 Home Workout Excercise without any equipment... actually there's still lot of thing to do.. but for now, ill just share 10 of em... cya later!

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