Bucket List : 20 Places to go in Italy and Best Thing To Do!

Bucket List : 20 Places to go in Italy and Best Thing To Do!
21 Nov 2021
Bucket List : 10 Places to go in Italy and Best Thing To Do!

Watch anime : - Italy, there are plenty of beautiful places in italy, its also one of Europe's most visited country.. besides that, italy also culture rich and the food is yummy!!

if you're interested in italy.. i have some recommendation 10 places to go and best thing to do in italy.. soo here we go
Bucket List : 20 Places to go in Italy and Best Thing To Do!

1. Milan


Milan, Located west of Lombardy Milan, one of the must-visit places if you going to Italy..

like its nickname, milan is famous for fashion city. so this city is good for those who like to shopping and for stylish kinda guy.. or mam..

Dont Leave Milan Before you Visit :

1.1 Leonardo Da vinci Last Supper

Address : Piazza Santa Maria delle Grazie 2, Milan

There's Leonardo Da vinci's famous paint : Last Supper

There's Leonardo Da vinci's famous paint : Last Supper

1.2. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

Address : Piazza del Duomo, Milan

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II was designed by Giuseppe Mengoni and built between 1865 to 1877. 

1.3 Castello Sforzesco

address : Piazza Castello, Milan

Castello Sforzesco, Held by Sforza and Visconti Families.. was built in 1368 and rebuilt in 1450.

1.4 San Siro Stadium

The Famous San Siro

The Famous San Siro, if going to milan and you haven't visit san siro.. you're not cool. (jkjk)

San Siro can reach arround 80k People.. imagine 80k People roaring when their favorite team Scoring!

2. Rome

Rome city
Rome, The Capital City of italy.. 

Rome is the most populated comune and the third most populated city in European Union by population within city limits.

Dont Leave Rome Before you visit :

1.1 The Colloseum

address : Piazza del Colosseo, 1, in Rome, Italy

The Colloseum, is surrounded by other famous monuments that are well worth viewing :

1.2 The Arch of Constantine

The arch of Constantine

The arch of constantine, is a triumphal arch in rome dedicated to the emperor constatine the great.. 

The arch was constructed between 312 and 315 AD, was dedicated by the Senate to Commemorate ten years...

1.3 The Domus Aurea

Address : Via della Domus Aurea, 1, 00184 Roma RM, Italy

The Domus Aurea, was a vast landscaped complex built by the Emperor Nero largely on the Oppian Hill in the heart of ancient Rome after the great fire in 64 AD had destroyed a large part of the city

1.4 The Roman Circus (circus maximus)

address : Via del Circo Massimo, 00186 Roma RM, Italy

Circus Maximus, was the largest sports stadium in ancient rome. it was mainly used for chariot racing and other popular events including gladiator fights and athletics.

 3. Southern Italy

Southern Italy

Southern Italy, also known as Mezzogiorno or Midday Region and has some of oldest and most important historical Towns in Italy.

Dont Leave Southern Italy Before you visit :

1.1 Sorento

Sorento, Southern Italy

Sorento, one of city in Southern Italy.. The town is widely known for its small ceramics, lacework and marquetry (woodwork) shops. The Sorrentine Peninsula has views of Naples

Sorrento is worth a halt for its laid-back occasion discuss, shorelines, and its ancient boulevards lined by respectable houses. The heart of the town is active Piazza Tasso, encompassed by small roads where you'll discover shopping and places to eat.

1.2 Tropea

Tropea, Southern italy

Tropea, is a small town on the east coast of Calabria, in southern Italy.

Somewhere down in Calabria, the toe of Italy's boot, Tropea doesn't stand out enough to be noticed it merits. The town is roosted over the Tyrrhenian Sea on the Coast of the Gods and is amazingly delightful with incredible sea shores, an enchanting verifiable focus, and cafés serving new fish.

1.3 Sassi di Matera

Sassi di matera, Southern Italy

Sassi di matera, Matera is a city on a rough outcrop in the area of Basilicata, in southern Italy. It incorporates the Sassi region, a complex of cavern abodes cut into the mountainside.

1.4 Naples

Naples, Southern Italy

Naples, Naples, a city in southern Italy, sits on the Bay of Naples. Close by is Mount Vesuvius, the still-dynamic well of lava that obliterated close by Roman town Pompeii. Dating to the second thousand years B.C., Naples has hundreds of years of significant workmanship and engineering. The city's house of prayer, the Duomo di San Gennaro, is loaded up with frescoes.


4. Tuscany

Tuscany, Italy

Tuscany, Tuscany is a locale in focal Italy. Its capital, Florence, is home to a portion of the world's most conspicuous Renaissance workmanship and engineering, including Michelangelo's "David" sculpture, Botticelli's works in the Uffizi Gallery and the Duomo basilica.

Dont Leave Tuscany Before you visit :

1.1 San Gimignano

its a house in San Gimignano

San Gimignano, is an Italian hill town in Tuscany, southwest of Florence.

San Gimignano and its environmental factors are certainly worth a visit to appreciate both chronicled landmarks and taste extraordinary wines.

1.2 Lucca

Lucca, Tuscany. Italy

Lucca, Lucca is a city on the Serchio River in Italy's Tuscany district. It's known for the safeguarded Renaissance dividers enclosing its notable downtown area and its cobblestone roads.

1.3 Cortona

Cortona, Tuscany. Italy

Cortona, is a ridge town in Tuscany, Italy. The Etruscan Academy Museum shows a tremendous assortment of bronze, earthenware and funerary things mirroring the town's Etruscan past.

1.4 Sovereto

Sovereto, Tuscany. Italy

Sovereto, is a comune in the Province of Livorno in the Italian area Tuscany, situated around 90 kilometers southwest of Florence and around 60 kilometers southeast of Livorno.


 5. Umbria

Umbria, Italy

Umbria, is an Italian region bordering Tuscany, Lazio and Le Marche. Often called the country's green heart, it’s known for its medieval hill towns, dense forests and local cuisine, particularly foraged truffles and wines.

Dont Leave Umbria Before you visit :

1.1 Todi

Todi, Umbria. Italy

Todi, is a peak town in Umbria, Italy. Among the archaic structures outlining the focal Piazza del Popolo are the People's Palace and the Captain's Palace. The last option houses the Civic Museum and Gallery.

1.2 Marmore Waterfalls

Marmore Waterfalls, Umbira. Italy

Marmore Waterfalls, is a man-made waterfall made by the old Romans. Its all total heigh is 165 m, making it the second tallest man-made waterfall on the planet. Of its 3 areas, the main one is the tallest,

1.3 Gubbio

Gubio, Umbria. Italy
Gubio, is an ancient city dating back to the Etruscan period that become world famous for the discovery of the Eugubine Tables in 1444


1.4 Assisi


Assisi, is a Hill town in focal Italy's Umbria area. It was the origination of St. Francis (1181–1226), one of Italy's benefactor holy people. The Basilica of St. Francis is a gigantic, 2-level church, sanctified in 1253.

Okay.. Thats it For Bucket List :
 20 Places to go in Italy and Best Thing To Do! Relyzer Version..

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